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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Poetry 180 Project

Mr. Kennedy
AP English

Poetry 180
You have each been assigned a poem from the list found at http://www.loc.gov/poetry/180/

The goal of this exercise is to broaden our understanding and familiarity with poetry.

Your first task is to analyze your assigned poem and post it to the blog under the Poetry 180 posting. You need to explain the poetic devices employed. Point out the elements like similes, metaphors, rhymes schemes, meter, voice, tone and imagery used. Use these things to explain how they add to the impact of the poem. Explain how these devices help make the poem relevant. Please insure that you include your name with your posting.

The person responsible for poem 1 needs to present by Monday, October 12. Poem 2 by the 13th, 3 by the 14th and so on each day until the 29th presents on Tuesday, November 10th.
You need to browse through the poetry your classmates are analyzing and you need to comment on at least one posting. Again insure your name is included with this posting.

Your postings will be to the comment section of this blog.

While this is a blog it is important to behave properly and appropriately in interacting with one another.

Your analysis is worth 35 points and your comment is worth 15 points for a total of 50 for the assignment.

Mr. Kennedy

Sunday, April 12, 2009

April syllabus

April. What are some of the questions of alienation found in literature? Refined prep for test.
“Glass Menagerie” 1703.
“Death of a Salesman” 1454.
Shopping 216.
“Richard Cory” 737.
“Purse Seiner” 953.
“Second Coming” 961.
Mr. Kennedy

Sunday, February 01, 2009

February syllabus

Focus on Poetry. How do I analyze poetry?
“Could Not Stop” 671.
“Stopping in Woods” 673.
“Bright Star” exercise.
Sonnet in Pocket exercise.
Voices exercise.
Focus on Metaphysical and Romantics.
A Herrick- Pretty Baby 664
Julia’s Voice 863
To Virgin 1016
Herbert- Pulley 761
Virtue 916
Donne-Sonnet 14 731
Valediction 784
Sun Rising 860
Cannonization 946
Death Be Not Proud 1145
In-class essay “Blackberry Picking.”

B Keats- Chapman’s Homer 777
Belle Dame 954
Bright Star 779
Grecian Urn 1018
Autumn 788
Nightingale 919
Shelley- West Wind 919
Ozymandius 925
Hopkins- Pied Beauty 1165
E. B. Browning- If Thou Must Love Me- 755
In-class writing “Preludes.”

C Shakespeare-Sonnet 55 679
#130 767
#18 795
#30 795
#73 877
#29 1197
Mr. Kennedy

Saturday, November 15, 2008

November's syllabus

November. Questions of identity- Where do I fit?
How to analyze fiction.
Heart of Darkness.
“Secret Sharer.”
“Waste Land.”
“Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock.” 1147.
“Supermarket in California” 913.
“Sailing to Byzantium” 960.

“Apocalypse Now.”

Mr. Kennedy

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Useful links for our study of Mythology

Here are some useful resources for learning about Greek and Roman mythological figures.
For Roman mythology-
For Greek mythology-

Mr. Kennedy

October syllabus

Here is what we are doing in October. Refining and Setting targets is our goal.
Archetypes of myth. Hero’s journey. Difference between paraphrasing and commentary. Learning to analyze. What is the test about? Skill developed-students will develop the ability to hunt for allusions in order to more richly appreciate what they encounter.
Poetry 180 exercise run on blogsite – apkennedy.blogspot.com
Museum visit.
Once upon a time exercise with class presentations on myth.
Literary term test.
Opera section from “Philadelphia.” To teach trancendance.
Barn Burning 190.
Excerpt from Long Way Down
“Schoolsville” 663.
“Ode to Grecian Urn” 1018.
“Musee de Beaux Artes” 986.
“Siren Song” 977.
Section 976.
Section 985.
Section 995.
Young Goodman Brown 436.
Myth exercise.
Exercise finding story archetypes in:
“Groundhog Day”
“Fisher King”
“Dead Poet’s Society”

Mr. Kennedy 9.28

Sunday, September 07, 2008

September Syllabus

September. Getting immersed in the material-What are AP habits of mind like? Establishing an introduction that creates a context of standards. Skill developed-synthesizing understanding of complex literature quickly in timed in-class essays for both of the key works during the month.
All the King’s Men
“Negro Speaks of Rivers” 1016.
“London” 695.
“Facing West” 799.
“Next of Course”1012.
“Theme for English B” 822.
“Let America” 864.
Ozymandias” 925

Staging exercise of final scene.
“Destruction of Sennachrib” 1132.
“She Walks in Beauty”
“Belle Dame Sans Merci” 954.

Assorted Romantic Poets to supplement.
Mr. Kennedy

Sunday, April 27, 2008

May syllabus

May. May 8, 2008- The test. Decompression week. Postmodern World. How do you look for answers while constantly examining the questions?
Exercise comparing postmodern qualities of novel and film. Students will choose from the following novels and put together a project that evaluates how each genre presents postmodern traits :
Slaughterhouse Five.
History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters.
White Noise.
Book of Daniel.
Kiss of the Spider Woman
French Lieutenant’s Woman.
Satanic Verses.
Cloud Atlas.
And from the following list of films:
Shakespeare in Love.
Run Lola, Run.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.